February 15, 2021

February Town Hall Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here

Dear neighbor, 

I hope all is well as this message finds you and that you and your loved ones continue to remain safe and healthy as this pandemic continues. I am excited to invite you to my very first town hall on February 23rd at 7 p.m. via zoom. I am approaching two months of being your representative in Congress and I want to update you on all things happening in Washington, DC and at home here in New York. This is the time for you to hear firsthand what Congress is doing to serve our community and what I am doing as well. This will also be an opportunity to have any of your questions asked. 

I look forward to having you join me so that we can discuss:

  • The insurrection that took place at our Capitol on January 6th 

  • My response to the insurrection with the introduction of the COUP Act

  • My appointment as Vice Chair of the Education and Labor Committee

  • Vaccinations and Covid-19 Relief

and more. 

To register for this town hall please click here or give my office a call at one of the numbers below. If you have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out as well. I look forward to having you join me on February 22nd and continuing to serve you. 


Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)